Intel Course

No Comments// Posted in course, ICT, intel, learning, teaching by on 04.01.10.

I am attempting to stay sane despite the heavy workload. I would definitely love to take one day at a time but it seems that a few days are attacking me at the same time! I’ve managed to establish my school’s Johor Student Council (a novel concept but  I honestly think we need more time to screen the candidates) and at the moment, I’m supervising my students in setting up and maintaining the English version of the school website. This is part of the Johor Education State Department programmes  to boost the international relations of premier schools. Thank god that both of the webmasters, Syed Jaafar & Syed Zuqni are very keen in learning and that just lift the burden off my shoulder a wee bit.

Next week, I’ll be attending the Intel course organised by the English Language Teaching Center (ELTC) for 5 consecutive days. This Sunday, I’ll be car-pooling with Kak Jem, Kak Salbiah and Benjamin from JB to Kuala Lumpur. Thanks Kak Jem for the wonderful offer! I’m looking forward to learn more on the impact of information technology on the teaching of the English Language. Oh yeah, I plan to network with other teachers and hopefully, we could gain better insight on the best way to utilise technology in boosting our students’ motivation in learning. Take care and have a great weekend!

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