Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Envisaging Beyond E-Learning: Innovator’s Mindset #IMMOOC

1 Comment// Posted in e-classroom, english, IMMOOC, learning, MOOC, reflection, teaching, Uncategorized, writing by on 09.30.17.

When I signed up for the Innovator’s Mindset MOOC by George Couros, my main reason is to revive the important learning nuggets I’ve picked up from the book by discussing with others. For the first week of #IMMOOC , we are encouraged to blog on this:  Why is innovation in education so crucial today?  I’ve […]

Edu Tech award from Johor Educational Technology Division

No Comments// Posted in award, conference, e-classroom, johor, jpnj, learning, teaching, Uncategorized by on 06.30.16.

Alhamdulillah, I was the recipient of the Educational Technology award for my contribution at the international level. The merit is based from my presentation at MIT as well as my involvement as the Assistant Secretary for Malaysia Educational Technology Association (META) for the past two years. Thank you to Johor Educational Technology Division and Johor […]

Johor-Japan Intercultural Programme 2016

No Comments// Posted in portfolio, Uncategorized by on 06.26.16.

Presenting my research at MIT

No Comments// Posted in conference, MJIIT, MOOC, PhD, talk, Uncategorized, USA, writing by on 06.03.16.

I was elated and grateful when my research paper entitled ‘Critical Success Factors for MOOCs Sustainability in the Malaysian Higher Education : A Preliminary Study’ was accepted for LINC conference at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT Media Lab has awarded me with travel grant that enabled me to fly to US albeit limited budget. […]

How to focus in the age of distraction

No Comments// Posted in Uncategorized by on 11.17.15.

Have you ever feel overwhelmed and face difficulties to focus in the age of distraction? I guess I’m not alone in saying that one needs the dexterity to strike an equilbrium in managing a well-balanced life. It’s harder to sustain focus but it’s never impossible, I reckon. I came across this amazing infographic that depicts […]