2 Comments// Posted in ICT, survey by Nor Fadzleen Sa don on 11.03.09.
Attention to all teachers,I’m conducting a simple survey on the use of educational freeware and games in ELT. If you are interested, please click the link below and answer the questions that follow. Your response and cooperation are highly appreciated. Teachers’ perceptions on the use of freeware & games in ELT.
No Comments// Posted in conference, icelt, ICT, learning by Nor Fadzleen Sa don on 09.12.09.
When opportunity comes knocking, seize it and make the best out of it. Thanks to JPNJ for sponsoring me to attend the 2009 International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT).This year, it will be held at Equatorial Hotel, Malacca for two consecutive days (10-11 Nov 2009). Just like MELTA Conference, this event will be attended […]