Archive for the ‘learning’ Category

SPM Writing Workshop

No Comments// Posted in english, exam, johor, learning, SPM, teaching by on 08.21.14.

This morning, I conducted a writing workshop at my former school, SMK Tasek Utara. Enclosed are some photos taken during the session as well as some snapshots of the materials I’ve shared with the students. It was great meeting familiar faces as well as sharing my knowledge with the lovely students. Wishing you the best […]

I’ve made it!

2 Comments// Posted in learning, reflection, student, study leave, utm by on 08.17.14.

  Alhamdulillah, syukur ya Allah. This has been a momentous personal journey for me. Two years back, I wasn’t sure I can do this, doing IT Management with my background as an English teacher and zero knowledge on programming or coding. Yeah, it sounds kinda crazy. Some people thought I was nuts to do that. […]

WRITE IT RIGHT: How to improve your vocabulary

No Comments// Posted in english, learning, module, writing by on 08.16.14.

One of the main concerns when it comes to writing is vocabulary. The lack of vocabulary may impede one’s flow of thoughts and the ideas may not be able to be articulated well due to the aforementioned issue. I would like to share some visual aids on vocabulary (I like to call them vocab vitamins) […]

Miri Workshops 2014

No Comments// Posted in english, learning, SPM, talk, workshop, writing by on 08.16.14.

Date: 14-15 Aug 2014 Venue:Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Hj Bujang, Miri, Sarawak It’s nice to be back in Miri again! Thanks to Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Hj Bujang for inviting me to conduct 3 workshops with the teachers and students. Not an easy feat but I honestly had a great time sharing with all of […]

NMC Horizon Report K12 2014

No Comments// Posted in e-classroom, ICT, learning, teaching by on 08.15.14.

  The New Media Consortium Horizon Report K12 is one of the most sought after resource on the mega trends of education for this year. Greg Swanson just shared this wonderful visualization that sums up the NMC Horizon Report > 2014 K-12 Edition. View the full image in Google Drive. Do check it out!