Archive for the ‘MOOC’ Category

Higher Education for Next Generation Workshop at MJIIT

No Comments// Posted in learning, MJIIT, MOOC, teaching, Uncategorized by on 10.16.14.

I’m currently helping my sensei, Associate Professor Naoki Ohshima to coordinate the Higher Education for the Next Generation workshop on Friday, 31 October 2014. This workshop is a collaboration between Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology and Meiji University, Japan. I was assigned to invite Malaysian academicians who would present the nascent trends on higher education […]

My PhD journey

No Comments// Posted in MOOC, PhD, utm by on 08.19.14.

To be or not to be…that’s the question. I made a tough decision after mulling over the options for a while. I took the plunge into the abyss of uncertainties, knowing for sure I would expect years of sleep deprivation, zombified mind and yo-yoing esteem. Yep. I decided to do PhD. Part time. Why do I […]

Is Malaysia ready for MOOC?

No Comments// Posted in MOOC by on 08.16.14.

  Does the word ‘MOOC’ rings a bell to you? If not, it’s never to late to know about the latest model for online learning content that is taking the world by storm.The emergence of Massive Open Online Courseware (MOOC) has garnered widespread attention for revolutionizing open access learning and it is considered as the main driver of […]