Cambridge Placement Test (CPT)

1 Comment// Posted in cambridge placement test, reflection, teaching by on 08.18.14.

Two years ago, I wrote about Cambridge Placement Test and the mixed feelings I had towards the assessment. Later on, there’s another assessment that was introduced called APTIS.  Some of my colleagues and friends sat for it recently. Personally, I feel assessment is a part and parcel of gauging one’s performance in one’s field and it is inevitable to deny its importance. After sitting for CPT, I took IELTS as part of the entry requirement to Harvard University. Alhamdulillah, I aced it though I wish I could manage my time better. Pertaining to CPT and APTIS, it would be better to have feasible analysis of the stakeholders’ views and see how these tests influence the educators’ proficiency and motivation levels. To check your result, you can go to Ministry of Education’s website or simply click



My result. Alhamdulillah.

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