Archive for the ‘learning’ Category

ESL Herald: The online headquarter for all things ESL

No Comments// Posted in learning, teaching by on 02.01.11.

Are you looking for materials to spice up your teaching? Ever dream of working abroad? Feel you need to network with other English Language teachers but don’t know how? Fret not. ESL Herald offers all the answers under one roof. I was contacted by Shane Phair, one of ESL Herald’s personnels recently and I’m glad […]

Giving and Receiving

4 Comments// Posted in course, learning, teaching by on 05.14.10.

When I received this joyous news, I told my students that I would give them a treat. I felt it’s only fair that my success is shared with all my students, those who made me who I am today. So as promised, I went to KFC and brought along a few students to carry the […]

Intel Teach: A gratifying learning experience

2 Comments// Posted in course, ICT, intel, learning, student, teaching by on 04.12.10.

 Last week, I attended the Intel® Teach Course that was organised by the English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC), Kuala Lumpur. Basically, its main objective is to mould effective educators that integrate IT in their lessons efficiently, elevating the gratification of the learning and teaching process. We were introduced to the concept of 21st century learning […]

Intel Course

No Comments// Posted in course, ICT, intel, learning, teaching by on 04.01.10.

I am attempting to stay sane despite the heavy workload. I would definitely love to take one day at a time but it seems that a few days are attacking me at the same time! I’ve managed to establish my school’s Johor Student Council (a novel concept but  I honestly think we need more time […]

Things Teachers Are Thankful For

No Comments// Posted in comic, learning, reflection, teaching by on 03.28.10.

I read this article this morning and it compelled me to jot down my thoughts on the matter. It’s definitely an eye opener, envisioning that there are a lot of Malaysian teachers who are in the same boat. Some of the issues I’ve mentioned in my previous post were echoed in this article. It made […]