Archive for the ‘learning’ Category

Young Diplomat Programme

No Comments// Posted in IDFR, johor, jpnj, jsl, leadership, learning, media by on 12.20.14.

  The Johor Student Leaders Council had successfully collaborated with the Institute of the Diplomatic and International Relations (IDFR) for the Young Diplomat Programme. This is the second collaboration between JPNJ-IDFR and the first collaboration between IDFR with secondary school students as IDFR is usually the center for training diplomats and diplomatic officers from Malaysia […]

Social Media Workshop for Malaysian Residential Schools 2014

No Comments// Posted in e-classroom, guru cemerlang, learning, malaysia, teaching, workshop by on 11.20.14.

I was glad to be invited by the Fully Residential & High Performance Schools Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia to facilitate the 21st Century Learning workshop series. I facilitated sessions on Social Media in Teaching and Learning where 50 teachers from all over Malaysia took part to learn more on how to integrate social media […]

Higher Education for Next Generation Workshop at MJIIT

No Comments// Posted in learning, MJIIT, MOOC, teaching, Uncategorized by on 10.16.14.

I’m currently helping my sensei, Associate Professor Naoki Ohshima to coordinate the Higher Education for the Next Generation workshop on Friday, 31 October 2014. This workshop is a collaboration between Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology and Meiji University, Japan. I was assigned to invite Malaysian academicians who would present the nascent trends on higher education […]

ASIATEFL 2014 & my first visit to Kuching

No Comments// Posted in conference, e-classroom, english, learning, m learning, melta, reflection, teaching by on 08.30.14.

I was glad that I had the opportunity to be part of 12th AsiaTEFL 2014 & 23rd MELTA International Conference 2014 held in Kuching, Sarawak. I have been attending MELTA conference on annual basis but I had to give it a miss last year due to my final examination. Boy, was I glad I decided to […]

Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in Malaysian Schools

2 Comments// Posted in conference, e-classroom, english, learning, m learning, melta, reflection, teaching by on 08.26.14.

21st century learning has given impetus to the exponential growth of mobile assisted language learning (MALL). It fosters engaging personalized learning where students can optimize their understanding and learning gratification on language learning via wireless mobile devices. It is inevitable to deny that majority of Malaysian students own a mobile phone. I even have students […]