Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in Malaysian Schools

2 Comments// Posted in conference, e-classroom, english, learning, m learning, melta, reflection, teaching by on 08.26.14.


Source: Andertoons

21st century learning has given impetus to the exponential growth of mobile assisted language learning (MALL). It fosters engaging personalized learning where students can optimize their understanding and learning gratification on language learning via wireless mobile devices. It is inevitable to deny that majority of Malaysian students own a mobile phone. I even have students who own the latest (and of course way expensive) mobile phone than their teachers. Well, this raises an interesting question, how can mobile phone be useful for language learning? Hence, this indicates the importance of gauging MALL  and its vast potential for the learners in multitude stages of educational realms. Although there are studies conducted on the research trends on MALL, not much studies have been conducted within the parameter of Malaysian schools. Although the current policy imposed by Malaysian Education System disallow the use of the mobile devices in schools, smart phone is professed to be “one of the key emerging technologies”  that would elevate the status of Malaysian schools to smart schools holistically (UNESCO, 2010).


This week, I’ll be sharing my research at AsiaTEFL 2014 in Kuching. I’ll be presenting my research on Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) for Malaysian Schools. I’m presenting it from the stakeholders’ view where the analysis would be insightful to perceive the end users’ views on the implementation of MALL for Malaysian schools. Of course,  there has been a mixed review on the implementation of MALL from teachers, students and parents. An interesting finding from a survey I conducted with 230 Malaysian respondents last year, 63% of the students use mobile phones, iPads and tablets to find resources for language learning homework & projects, learn new vocabulary, play games or even pick a new foreign language. Mobile learning can pique students’ interests to improve their language proficiency. However, a thorough revision is needed in the mobile learning policy as well as MALL management in classroom teaching.

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