Archive for the ‘learning’ Category

Power Of Being A Good Teacher

1 Comment// Posted in guru cemerlang, learning, reflection, teaching by on 11.19.11.

I came across these videos while searching for some resources on You Tube. The topic was ‘Power of Being A Good Teacher’ which is relevant to my professional growth. The guest is Professor Dr. Muhaya Hj. Muhammad, Personal and Professional Development Expert, Alliance College of Medical Science (ACMS) and someone who I admire for her […]

Leadership and English Language Camp (LELaC V)

2 Comments// Posted in camp, english, environment, leadership, learning by on 11.18.11.

Wondering what to do this school holidays? Why not head down to Penang and take part in LELaC V? I was contacted by the creator of LELaC, AP Dr Muhamamd Kamarul Kabilan of School of Educational Studies, USM, Malaysia recently and I think it’s a brilliant programme to enhance your leadership qualities and inculcate love […]

The M Project: Being Malaysians

No Comments// Posted in action research, anwar hadi, e-classroom, ICT, intel, learning, malaysia, maria elena, mat lutfi, merdeka, teaching, vlogging by on 09.10.11.

In conjunction with the Merdeka month celebration in my school, I’ve came up with the M Project where the main themes of the lessons revolved around patriotism & Independence Day. In this context, the main educational emphases are on Thinking Skills, ICT, Knowledge Acquisition and  Multiple Intelligences. There are so many ways the teachers can […]

Changes in PMR English Language Paper

5 Comments// Posted in circular, english, exam, learning, PMR, teaching by on 07.25.11.

I would like to share the latest circular [ KP.LP. ] issued by the Ministry of Education pertaining to the PMR English Language paper. Starting next year, English Literature Component would no longer be tested in Paper 1 (12/1) but would be assessed in Paper 2 (12/2) in form of open-ended questions (poem) and open […]

20th MELTA International Conference 2011

2 Comments// Posted in learning, melta, reflection by on 06.18.11.

Finally, I have the time to update this blog! I was bogged down with marking the midyear exam’s scripts and attending 3 wedding receptions during the school holiday. However, I can’t complain much as I had the chance to take a breather by attending the MELTA Conference in Kuala Tererengganu recently. Took a flight to […]