5 Comments// Posted in internationalisation programme, johor, jpnj, jsl, student by Nor Fadzleen Sa don on 10.03.11.
Phase 1 : Top 56 JSLC Candidates Bil Nama Sekolah Presentation Topic 1. Nur Laili bt. Arba’ Sekolah Tinggi Segamat ‘Iskandar Malaysia – A Metropolis of International Standing 2. Harvind a/l Raja Gopal SMK Bandar Baru Uda “ A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way” – John […]
4 Comments// Posted in action research, conference, digital storytelling, e-classroom, icelt, jpnj, student, teaching, workshop by Nor Fadzleen Sa don on 09.15.11.
I’m off to Lumut, Perak this weekend to attend the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT) 2011. I’m representing JPNJ and the title of my paper is ‘3-2-1 Action! : Digital Storytelling in ESL Classroom’ which is based on my Action Research with 4SN1 recently. It took me about 2 months to conduct it […]
3 Comments// Posted in assessment, exam, PMR, SPM, student, teaching, trial exam by Nor Fadzleen Sa don on 08.20.11.
For teachers and students who are searching for English Language trial examination papers from other states, enclosed are this year’s trial examination papers from Boarding School Unit or Sekolah Berasrama Penuh (SBP). You can download the papers by clicking the links below. I’ll try to update this blog with more trial examination papers soon. Credit […]
No Comments// Posted in internationalisation programme, johor, jpnj, student by Nor Fadzleen Sa don on 04.15.10.
This afternoon, I sat together with 7 other teachers to draft the constitutions of the Student Leaders Board (SLB) and Johor Student Leaders Congress (JSLC), which are part of the Johor Internationalisation Programme. It is an ambitious project where the Sultan of Johor himself is the patron. This project is spearheaded by Tn. Hj. Supaat […]
2 Comments// Posted in course, ICT, intel, learning, student, teaching by Nor Fadzleen Sa don on 04.12.10.
Last week, I attended the Intel® Teach Course that was organised by the English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC), Kuala Lumpur. Basically, its main objective is to mould effective educators that integrate IT in their lessons efficiently, elevating the gratification of the learning and teaching process. We were introduced to the concept of 21st century learning […]