Archive for the ‘teaching’ Category

KSSM Form 1 English Language Work book

2 Comments// Posted in book, english, english literature, KSSM, malaysia, student, teaching, writing by on 12.04.16.

This is the Form 1 English Language work book I co-wrote under Oxford Fajar. This book is written in compliance with KSSM and CEFR and I had great experience designing and developing lessons for this project. Hence, this book complements the text book that will be used by students in Malaysian secondary schools nationwide, starting […]

SPM Writing Workshop at SMK Dato’ Penggawa Barat

No Comments// Posted in english, johor, learning, SPM, student, teaching, workshop, writing by on 10.30.16.

Yesterday, I successfully conducted SPM English Language Writing Workshop at SMK Dato’ Penggawa Barat, a high performing school in Pontian, my hometown. I was elated to be here as this is the first school that I was posted to in 2001, hence the sentimental value. Back then, the school is categorised as Smart School where […]

SPM English Writing Workshop at SMKBBU

No Comments// Posted in english, exam, learning, SPM, teaching, workshop, writing by on 10.12.16.

Alhamdulillah, I conducted Write it Right English Language Workshop with the Form 5 students from my school. Wishing them the best in their upcoming SPM.

SPM Writing Workshop at SMK Tasek Utara 2

No Comments// Posted in english, exam, learning, SPM, teaching, workshop, writing by on 10.05.16.

Alhamdulillah, I conducted a talk on SPM Write it Right workshop at SMK Tasek Utara 2. Sharing is caring! 😄  It was great to meet the Head of Language Dept & former colleague, Kak Ainidah Abu Bakar as well as others.

SPM English Writing Workshop at SMS Muar (SAMURA)

No Comments// Posted in english, exam, johor, learning, SPM, teaching by on 07.23.16.

I was invited to facilitate English Writing workshop at Sekolah Sains Muar (SAMURA) near Tanjung Agas, Muar. It was great meeting all of your brilliant students and they were eager to hone their writing skills as well as diversify their writing techniques. Thank you for inviting me for the second time. All the best for […]