Archive for the ‘melta’ Category

20th MELTA International Conference 2011

2 Comments// Posted in learning, melta, reflection by on 06.18.11.

Finally, I have the time to update this blog! I was bogged down with marking the midyear exam’s scripts and attending 3 wedding receptions during the school holiday. However, I can’t complain much as I had the chance to take a breather by attending the MELTA Conference in Kuala Tererengganu recently. Took a flight to […]

20th MELTA International Conference

8 Comments// Posted in conference, melta by on 05.26.11.

I’m heading off to Kuala Terengganu this weekend for the 20th MELTA International Conference. I’ve been attending this conference for the past three years and I perceive it as a lifelong investment to my professional development. This year, I’ll be presenting a paper on the pedagogical approach in ESL classroom. I’ll be talking on The […]

19th MELTA International Conference 2010: A Photo Essay

3 Comments// Posted in award, conference, melta, MY-LIT by on 06.10.10.

The opening ceremony was officiated by HRH Raja Zarith Sofiah, the Patron of MELTA. HRH gave a thought-provoking speech on the evolving learning paradigms of ELT. It was interesting to bump into some famous bloggers such as RockyBru and Nuraina Samad (I was too shy to say hello) who  graced the ceremony as well. Power […]

19th MELTA International Conference

No Comments// Posted in conference, melta, MY-LIT by on 06.02.10.

I’ll be attending the 19th MELTA International Conference in KL from 7-8th June 2010. The two day conference would be held at The Royale Chulan and I’ll be presenting my paper, Utilising Web 2.0. Technologies in Teaching the New KBSM English Literature Component. In my paper, I hope to share my findings and experience on […]

19th MELTA International Conference

2 Comments// Posted in conference, melta by on 01.25.10.

The 19th MELTA International conference will be held this year at three locations as given below: -7 and 8 June 2010 (Kuala Lumpur)-11 and 12 June 2010 (Kuantan, Pahang)-17 and 18 June 2010 (Kuching, Sarawak) Important Deadlines* Submission of Abstract and biodata : 26 February 2010 Registration and Payment : 31 March 2010 Submission of […]