Archive for the ‘learning’ Category

Johor Midyear Examination Schedules 2012

No Comments// Posted in english, exam, johor, jpnj, learning by on 04.17.12.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.” ~ General Colin Powell Hi folks, Enclosed are the schedules for the Johor Midyear Examinations for Form 3, Form 5 and Upper Six students. Hope this would assist you in revising your upcoming examinations. All the best of […]

The Curse, Catch Us If You Can & Step by Wicked Step

6 Comments// Posted in catch us if you can, e-classroom, english, english literature, learning, SPM, step by wicked step, the curse by on 02.26.12.

Based from my blog stats, I’ve discovered that there are quite a number of visitors who were looking for materials on the Form 5’s novels ( The Curse, Catch Us If You Can and Step by Wicked Step). Although I blogged more on The Curse as that is the novel that I am teaching in […]

I Wonder & Heir Conditioning

No Comments// Posted in e-classroom, english, english literature, heir conditioning, i wonder, jeannie kirby, learning, m shanmughalingam, PMR, poem by on 02.22.12.

For Form 2 students and teachers who are looking for PowerPoint materials on Jeannie Kirby‘s I Wonder and M. Shanmugalingam‘s Heir Conditioning, I would like to share the materials I’ve received from the Johor Bahru’s English Language Officer. For more English Lit materials, do check out my Slideshare‘s site. I Wonder – Jeannie Kirby View […]

English Language Programmes for Schools in Johor 2012

No Comments// Posted in jpnj, learning, teaching by on 01.12.12.

Enclosed is the letter issued by the Johor Education Department pertaining to the execution of English Language programmes in 2012. For the secondary schools, the programmes are: English Literature Component EW 20 LET ( Learn English Together) English Language Module An Essay a Month English Zone Plad JB JOSAS ( Johor Spelling Assessment Standard ) […]

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

No Comments// Posted in guru cemerlang, internationalisation programme, johor, jpnj, jsl, leadership, learning, melta, plad jb, reflection, scheme of work by on 01.02.12.

It’s time to put our noses to the grindstone, folks! I know it has been a long hiatus as I was tied up with work during the school break. Alhamdulillah, 2011 had given me various opportunities to improve myself as a teacher, a learner and an individual. I’ve tried my hands at writing for local […]