Archive for October, 2016

SPM English Writing Workshop at SMKBBU

No Comments// Posted in english, exam, learning, SPM, teaching, workshop, writing by on 10.12.16.

Alhamdulillah, I conducted Write it Right English Language Workshop with the Form 5 students from my school. Wishing them the best in their upcoming SPM.

OER National Policy Developers

No Comments// Posted in e-classroom, learning, MJIIT, MOOC, PhD, strategic planning by on 10.10.16.

I have been offered to be one of the developers for the Open Educational Resources (OER) Policy Development at the national level. I’m honestly humbled and honoured by this appointment as I’m just a PhD candidate while the rest are esteemed experts from universities. Will give my best, In sha Allah. Alhamdulillah.

SPM Writing Workshop at SMK Tasek Utara 2

No Comments// Posted in english, exam, learning, SPM, teaching, workshop, writing by on 10.05.16.

Alhamdulillah, I conducted a talk on SPM Write it Right workshop at SMK Tasek Utara 2. Sharing is caring! 😄  It was great to meet the Head of Language Dept & former colleague, Kak Ainidah Abu Bakar as well as others.