2 Comments// Posted in conference, digital storytelling, johor, jpnj, speaking, teaching by Nor Fadzleen Sa don on 06.30.12.
Date : 12-14th June 2012
Venue : M Suite Hotel
Organiser : Johor English Language Teacher Association (JELTA)
Balan Moses (NST), Dato’ Syed Nadzri (NST), En. Hasidin (JPNJ), Datin Dr. Maimunah (M Suite) & Vincent (JELTA) during the opening ceremony. |
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Wonderful people I’ve met during the conference. I met and networked with a lot of teachers and I think a conference is a great platform to engage ourselves with new teaching methodology or keep abreast with the latest info pertaining to ELT in Johor. It was great to be reunited with my juniors, Intan & Terry. The ever bubbly Kak Rocky is someone who I respected as well. I used to be in awe of her due to her active participation in debate and drama so it’s great to know she has now become a cool friend too. Meeting Uma from St. Andrew’s Muar is serendipitous indeed. We used to teach at La Salle Brickfields and knew the same circle of friends. What a small world! |
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Sharing session with the conference participants. It was heartening to get positive feedbacks from them on the materials I’ve shared. Of course, there is always room for improvement and I will constantly try to improve my presentation skills from time to time. For those who are asking for the presentation slides, enclosed is my presentation and I hope it could benefit others as well. Sharing is caring! |
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