No Comments// Posted in action research, conference, digital storytelling, guru cemerlang, icelt, reflection by Nor Fadzleen Sa don on 09.30.11.
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A 7-hour drive to Lumut was worth it. I carpooled with Kak Rahmah, Kak Fuzi & Kak Suzi, all GCs from Johor. Alhamdulillah, we managed to reach the venue albeit mild difficulties in finding the location. There were altogether 365 presentations and it was so hard to choose which session to attend as there were so many interesting papers presented during the parallel sessions. Some of the sessions ended at 7.30 p.m. ! I guess a conference of such magnitude would attract so many presenters and participants. The title itself forecasts the excitement that awaits in the teaching of English Language. |
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I presented a 30-minute paper presentation on the first day. I shared the findings of my classroom-based Action Research entitled ‘3-2-1 Action!: Digital Storytelling in ESL Classroom.’ I carried out Digital Storytelling Project, a project-based learning where students produce the final products with facilitation from the teacher . I’ve prepared the Student Module to assist my 4 SN1 students in producing their videos as well as conducting Digital Storytelling Workshop with them. Well, it’s about time we give the teacher the break and let the students do all the hard work π My main objective in carrying out this AR is to promote engaging and meaningful student-centred learning via web-based tools. All the students’ work are virtually accessable via the DSP’s blog and DSP’s Youtube Channel. I am so glad and flattered that a lot of participants expressed their interests in the project and would like to try Digital Storytelling with their students and their teacher trainees. To me, whether you like it or not, E-Learning will be the main approach in English Language Learning as more students are tech-savvy and demand a more interactive and personalised learning.Β |
Meeting Kak Rahmah, Kak Fuzi & Kak Suzi was a cherished moment as we shared our experiences and issues in school. Apparently, we faced similar predicament as it is challenging being a GC as some people in school might not understand why you have to go out most of the time.Β This is one of the main issues that I am facing at the moment. As GC, we need to carry out official duties from the District Education Office, State Education Department and Ministry of Education too. I’ve been working closely with the aforementioned parties this year and that unfortunately means I have to be away from school frequently. Some assume it’s like taking a holiday from school but the reality is we work and run here and there like headless chicken trying to accomplished official duties apart from the core business of teaching in school. Despite the challenges, I believe that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. I am thankful as my principal is understanding of my situation and she advises me to juggle my responsibilities wisely. Alhamdulillah, my husband has been so understanding and supportive of my situation and I count my blessing as I have good friends who have always been there for me when I need them.
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