Archive for the ‘learning’ Category

Proverbs Game

No Comments// Posted in english, exam, johor, learning, reflection, teaching by on 04.07.16.

Proverb is a simple saying to instill moral values and common wisdom in life. Most of my students face problems in remembering proverbs as they involve symbolism and intricate meanings. I was thinking of meaningful and fun ways to teach proverbs and I thought of combining the concept of Pictionary & collaborative writing in my […]

Dear Adam: A writing lesson on Magnificent Malaysians

No Comments// Posted in e-classroom, english, learning, reflection, teaching by on 04.05.16.

After watching the amazing video of Adam Norrodin at MotoGP World Championship recently, I’ve decided to embed that as part of my lesson with my 2 C1 students this afternoon. The topic was Proud to be Malaysians. Did a pop quiz “How Malaysian are you?” with my students. Then, I showed the video and facilitated […]

Making Choices

No Comments// Posted in english, learning, reflection, teaching by on 03.28.16.

Today, the topic in class is Making Choices. Students shared their feelings when making choices in life. They mapped up their feelings collaboratively and came up with strings of emotions such as happy, sad, anxious, daunting, frustrated and confused. Then, they moved around in the class, listening and sharing their experiences in making choices in […]

English Literature Form 1: King Arthur

1 Comment// Posted in e-classroom, english, King Arthur, learning, literature, student by on 10.13.15.

Since I’m currently teaching Form 1, I’ve discovered that online materials on King Arthur, the graphic novel is rather scarce. Hence, I’ve developed learning materials for my students and others who are studying the novel. I’m sharing my resource on King Arthur, the graphic novel in the English Literature Component for Form 1. I’ve used […]

What I learn from my first Blab

No Comments// Posted in Blab, english, learning, reflection, speaking, talk by on 09.26.15.

After 9 days on Blab, I’ve decided to host my first Blab. Prior to this, I was mainly observing and jumping in as co-speaker in some Blabs that caught my interests. The openness of conversation enables user to simply engage in verbal discourse or in written form. For newbies, after registering your Blab account using […]